A roof with a chimney should proudly display the chimney cap. These chimney caps come in a range of styles, colors, and materials, but all that variety can cause some confusion when choosing the right type of chimney cap. So to clear up that confusion, here are our recommendations for the best chimney cap materials when you’re completing your chimney repair in Chicago.

Do you need a new chimney cap replacement or repair on your roof? You can count on our expertise for a comprehensive range of chimney cap services, including chimney tuckpointing in Chicago. All you have to do is contact us and we’ll make sure it’s done right with an initial chimney inspection on your Chicago area home.

Copper Chimney Caps
Copper chimney caps offer great durability and last a very long time, which is especially useful in the changing Illinois seasons. Copper doesn’t rust but instead oxidizes to develop a blue-green patina to give your home a classic European look that is an aesthetic favorite for many.

Stainless Steel Chimney Caps
The most popular option for chimney caps is stainless steel. It is very strong and durable as it provides a polished shine on your chimney, even as the years pass. And a stainless steel chimney will not rust, so it will not flake or discolor the chimney itself or the roof. Since they are so popular, they come in a large selection of sizes and shapes to choose from, making it much easier to find the proper fit for your chimney.

To replace or install a chimney cap, we recommend calling the professionals for help in choosing the right size, shape, and color, as well as handling the installation. Your chimney may require some work before the chimney cap is installed, so our chimney tuckpointing in Chicago is available to make sure it’s all sealed and secure before and after your chimney cap goes in.

The Right Material for a Chimney Cap
Your chimney cap serves to significantly reduce the amount of water that can seep into your home through the chimney. That’s why the proper chimney repair in Chicago is so important, so you don’t end up with leaks. Small animals can also enter through even the smallest holes to set up nests and obstruct your chimney, which is a serious hazard for carbon monoxide leaks. Plus, the chimney cap serves as a stop for sparks and flying embers on your roof so it helps to prevent your home, neighboring homes, and trees from catching fire. So whether it’s copper or stainless steel, your chimney cap is an important feature of your home. Find out more about chimney caps in our Best Chimney Cap Guide and start with a chimney inspection in Chicago.

Call Us for You Chimney Cap
Stay safe and add style to your home with a new chimney cap. We use copper and stainless steel chimney caps, and our professionals can recommend the proper size and shape to fit your home.